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7 tips for a stress-free start into the day

February 24, 2020
  • Breakfast
  • Gesund leben
  • Healthy lifestyle
7 tips for a stress-free start into the day

Stress has become a common companion in modern society. Everything has to be done right away, nothing is put off until tomorrow and it is best to do everything right in this second. The urge for perfection in many different things leads to an unpleasant extra burden. And it is precisely because of this constant overload at work or university or school- sometimes all at the same time – that more and more people are struggling with the consequences of stress. Burnout and similar stress-related illnesses are also being diagnosed with increasing frequency. So what can you do to start the day as stress-free as possible and what helps to reduce stress effectively?

We are convinced: The morning is where everything begins. Nothing is worse than showing up at work already stressed out after a hectic morning. Conversely, the more relaxed and comfortable you start the day, the better you are prepared for everyday stress. With the following tips we will try to help you to have a stress-free day.

1. Healthy and balanced breakfast

Whoever has a balanced breakfast starts the day satiated and in a good mood. Since the body’s energy stores are almost completely depleted overnight, it is important never to leave out breakfast, but to quickly replenish energy in the form of food in the morning. This not only gets you going faster, but also automatically puts you in a better mood. Because without breakfast, you quickly become hungry and therefore might be in a bad mood. But anyone who has ever been hungry and done something exactly knows what we are talking about, especially if it is not one of your favourite activities.

With our well-balanced muesli and porridge creations, a milk or herbal drink of your choice and some fresh fruit, you’ll be able to conjure up a full breakfast in no time at all – giving your body exactly what it needs. Another advantage: a balanced breakfast helps to prevent ravenous appetite attacks throughout the day.

2. Make important decisions the evening before

Everybody knows it: The alarm clock rings, you press the snooze button, another 10 minutes – then you’re ready to go. It really helps if you do the most important things the evening before. For example, you can put out the outfit for the next day the evening before. Or even an already packed bag or rucksack can help to facilitate the decision making in the morning. Those who like to eat overnight oats will have a tasty and nutritious breakfast overnight and one thing less to do in the morning. This saves nerves and time – a win-win situation.

3. The “easiest” tip: get up earlier!

We admit: it may be the easiest tip and also the most obvious one, but probably not the one that is the easiest to implement. For those who don’t like to get up early in the morning, it’s almost impossible. And even for people who don’t have a hard time getting up, it’s a change. But one thing is certain: having 20-30 minutes more time in the morning pays off extremely well. If you can approach your entire morning routine in a more relaxed manner, it reduces stress immensely. So maybe just give it a try, even if it may sound difficult at first. After all, you get used to everything 😉 And if you still think you want to turn back to bed as soon as you get up, you should try to start the day with a bowl of porridge. With the right base, porridge is not only prepared in a flash, but a warm breakfast also helps against tiredness.

4. Movement is good for you!

Another very obvious tip: Doing sports is basically very healthy for body and soul. If you manage to implement some sports activity into your day, you will soon feel more vital and free. When people exercise, hormones are released – including endorphins and serotonin. During stress the body also produces hormones: adrenaline, insulin and cortisol. These hormones put the body in a continuous state of alert. This state can be counteracted with sport. Whether it’s a classic workout, a round of yoga or a short walk – a little exercise is not only good for your mood, but also gets your circulation going.

Bewegung ist gut für dich
Movement in the morning just reduces your worries (picture by @_lieblings_momente_)

5. Music frees the head

Music is a miracle cure. While listening to music you can switch off, dance, cry or just feel good. This is exactly what the body registers – and also releases hormones that fight against the body’s stress. By the way, here’s our Good Morning Playlist – just turn it on and the good mood comes automatically 😉

6. Positive mind = positive day

If you start the day with a positive attitude, you are more likely to get positive things back. Here the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy comes into effect. Those who think positively will also be more likely to recognize the positive in various things. Here is a tip on how to put this theory into practice: In the morning, before the day really begins, write down three or more things for which you are grateful. This will help you see the brighter sides of life and often bring a smile to your face. And if you already start the day with a smile, you are more likely to get a smile back. Nevertheless, it should be said that there are simply the days when you can’t smile. And that’s okay. That’s part of it.

7. You do YOU!

Probably the most important tip: Do what you feel like doing. When you feel good, stress is automatically relieved. Not in the mood for a healthy breakfast today? Your morning routine can kiss your ass today? Don’t be too hard on yourself, just do what feels good. Knowing yourself and knowing what you need to be happy is probably the most important remedy for stress.

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  • #breakfast
  • #frühstück
  • #good morning
  • #healthy
  • #morning routine
  • #stressfree day
  • #Verival

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